Reductio ad absurdum

lib·er·al \Lib"er*al\, Adj. 1. Favoring political and social reforms tending towards democracy and personal freedoms for the individual; advocating reform or progress in education, religion, etc. 2. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; not bigoted. 3. Open to new ideas for progress; tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

What the Hell is your fucking name?

I'm not sure how many of you are following the Plame case in the US but there is an alarming trend that is bothering me. The two main people involved in the case are White House deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove and Vice President Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Now wait a god damn minute. What the hell kind of 'name' is that? I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Why anyone would ever mention that there nick name is 'scooter' is beyond all comprehension. If I was a garbage man or a postal worker I would keep that tid bit under wraps, if I somehow attained a high ranking position in the White House I would liquadate anyone who had ever called me that. I'm also not fond of the 'I' before the rest of the name. I assume it's an initial of his first name which he is obviously not that fond of (how it could be worse than scooter is also beyond me) but if you don't like your first name then just go by your middle name. Why do we have to go through the trouble of printing out all your initials and nick names and whatever else you want to throw in there. I'm sure entire forests have been destroyed simply because the NY Times and the Washington Post have mentioned this douche bags name 79 thousand times in the last week and it's added 34 thousand column inches to the paper. Another right-wing lunatic uses a similar name when describing himself G. Gordon Liddy. If he wants to add a nick name, "Felon" would work nicely. Anyway that was some serious ranting but I had to get it off my chest. For WesinCalgary this is W. David "Cuddles" Scheuerman.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Poker Tournament

I've set the tentative date for my poker tournament as Saturday November 12. Anyone reading this is welcome to come (except the right-wing creeps who happen to stumble onto this sometimes, actually you can come, I'll take your money and give it to the ACLU in your name. ) I'm not sure whether to make it a 40 dollar game or a 20 dollar game, if 40 bucks is too rich for some people I will make it a 20 dollar game with re-buys for the first half-hour. For those looking more for a good time than a night of gambling I'll set up a losers game of "Evil Homer", which is basically the stud game 'Chicago' with an added twist. I've never played it but from reading about it it sounds like it would go well with 12 beers. So tell one and tell all, and if anyone has any folding chairs bringing them would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

"That's a spicy Au Jus!" (said with Italian accent)

Me and Mrs. WesinCalgary went to Joey Tomatoes on saturday night for dinner. The food was ok but I noticed a problem. The next day at work I was reading on my coffee break when my bookmark fell out which happened to be the bill from the restaurant. It had an email address on the bottom in case you had any issues. Well I was pretty bored so I thought I'd drop them a line, not to bitch and moan but rather to inform them of a gastronomic issue.....

From: Wes Scheuerman []
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 1:46 PM
Subject: one minor complaint

Your food is generally very good however the last couple times I've been to Joey's someone has ordered the Beef Dip and both times the Au Jus was way too salty. Besides that it was a pleasant meal.

Wes Scheuerman

-----Original Message-----
From: Britt Innes []
Sent: October 11, 2005 6:07 PM
Subject: RE: one minor complaint

Dear Wes,

Thank you for your email. Feedback from our guests is extremely important to us and we really appreciate you taking the time to share yours with us. Although, I am pleased to hear that you find our food to be very good I am disappointed to hear that recently the Beef Dip Au Jus has been too salty. Although, the Au Jus base is salty it is intending to compliment the sandwich and should not be overly salty. It sounds to me that the Au Jus was not prepared to specifications otherwise I am sure that it would have been much more enjoyable. I would like to forward your email to the Chef at the location it was that you had visited. This way they can follow up with their cooks and make sure that this recipe is being executed properly. Could you please send me this information so that I may forward your email? I am curious to know if you or someone who you visited with expressed dissatisfaction with your servers at all? We train our servers to cue search to ensure that our guest’s meals are perfect and I am concerned if this was not the case on your visit. I think that there may have been an opportunity for us to re-make the Au Jus or modify it slightly so that it was more enjoyable.

Wes, I know that it was not your intention to receive any type of compensation for sharing your feedback with us but as a token of my appreciation for doing so I would like to send you a gift card for you and your guest’s to use at Joey’s. Could you also send me your mailing address? Again, thank you for your feedback. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warmest Regards,

Britt Innes
Director of Guest and Partner Relations
Direct Line (604) 937-2302
Fax (604) 939-3621

How's that for customer service!

Friday, October 07, 2005

The Sanctity of Marriage

"In November 2004, the right wing won elections across the country by spinning a vote for the right as a vote for family values. And yet these same politicians judge others by a standard that they themselves cannot uphold.

Composed of short profiles of some of the right wing's most vocal "defenders" of marriage, The Sanctity of Marriage Handbook takes a satirical look at these leaders to see how well they live up to the sacred ideal they profess to be defending against "defilers" of marriage, such as gay couples hoping to marry. Seldom has hypocrisy been so funny. Bryan Harris profiles some of our moral forerunners as they lead by example. Just a few include:

- Newt Gingrich: served his wife with divorce papers while she was incapacitated by cancer and receiving treatment in a hospital room. He is currently enjoying the sanctity of his third marriage.
- Representative Bob Barr, author of the Defense of Marriage Act: before the age of fifty, Representative Barr had three marriages under his belt. The old Beltway joke goes, "Exactly which marriage is Bob Barr defending?"
- Rush Limbaugh: between Rush and his current wife, Marta, there are six marriages and four divorces. Rush is currently in the process of divorcing Marta.
- Senator Dan Burton: Republican senator who called Clinton a "scumbag" and who runs his campaigns on family values. Burton fathered a son out of wedlock.

This book needs to be thrust into the hands of everyone who voted "red" because they thought it was a vote for "family values," and it is required reading for those blue blue-staters who might want to feel a little sanctimonious themselves. "

Cool idea...

A union in the United States has put forward a pretty cool idea. They have started a website where people can communicate their best ideas abut how to make their country better. Some are pretty stupid but some seem to make sense. I read one that is simple yet would seem very feasible and if it worked very beneficial.

I found it somewhat ironic that in hurricane's Katrina and Rita, where rain water literally drenched the countryside, one of the first needs was drinkable bottled water. If every affected county in the hurricane belt considered placing a large rain collection unit on high ground where it would not be polluted by flooding, this would collect thousands of gallons of immediately available usable water, provided by the same storm that is causing the trouble. During other times the collected water could be used for irrigation or other things.
At this time many people along the Gulf are out of work because of the damage, and as public works projects these units would put additional people to work while reassuring that thought had been taken to prepare before the next storm

That seems rather doable. It makes more sense that this.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Early AM Pics

OK, I've gone a little crazy with the tests...

I had to post the results of this one! I seen them other guys done it good too! Sorry for the huge gap between my writing and the results, someone sucks at HTML.

English Genius
You scored 78% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 93% Advanced, and 86% Expert!
You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go!

Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it!

For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog:

Link: The Commonly Confused Words Test written by shortredhead78 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


I took this test at work, no big surprises. Nice to see I'm in the same boat as Hilary. If anyone else takes this test post the results in the comments. I'm betting Max is right over top of Darth Vader and Tara is right by the Pope. Why is Adam Sandler on this chart? I don't think of him as a politically active celebrity, maybe Tim Robbins or Charleton Heston... 5 bucks to anyone who can name everyone on the chart. Seriously.

You are a

Social Liberal
(75% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(25% permissive)

You are best described as a:

Strong Democrat

Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Right out of Springfield...

I blame Mr Burns for this

They were saying Boourns!

Sunday at Cash...

I played the NL Tourney at Cash on Sunday with Curt, it was a better day for me than for Curt. For me, first hand pocket kings, for Curt, first through-35th hand, folded. I ended up placing 25th out of about a hundred not too bad but I got man handled by the chip leader at the second table I was at, the guy hit every flop he saw and acted like it was all because of his fantastic skill and eastern european charm. I ended up going all in with jacks only to be called by a guy with 9-4 suited, he hit two pair on the flop and I was outta there.
The pit boss on sunday vaulted himself onto my 'top 5 most annoying people I would like to punch in the grill' list. He was about my age but acted like he was single handedly running the WSOP and the Bellagio High Rollers room at the same time. Directing a poker tournament is a thankless task, when things go right no one says anything but when anything goes wrong everyone is up in arms. But this guy was a walking, talking asshole. Moving players around is part of the TD's job, but you have to remember that these are paying customers and a little tact is in order. When he got me to move, he said 'get your chips', I didn't hear him because I was concentrating on the hand that was being played, so he comes closer and says more loudly "Get Your Chips" I thought I was being ejected at this point. I said why and he said "BECAUSE YOU'RE BEING MOVED TO A DIFFERENT TABLE" it was said in the tone you use when speaking to toddlers who speak a different language. So I get moved to my new table and proceed to be trounced by eastern european flop hitter. I think the TD/Pit boss heard me call him an asshole cause he kept hovering around me. For being a pasty casino worker this guy sure acted like he could raise some shit, I would have given half my stack to go outside and throw the guy under curt's limo, but I abhor violence... When I finally did get busted he was standing behind me and I kind of kicked my chair back so that it hit him in the knee. I hope he's in pain right now.

Drive-thru issues...

Is there a point to the fast food industry's reluctance to accept walk up traffic to their drive-thru windows? Every place I've ever eaten at balks at the fact that someone could possibly be on foot and want to get something to eat at a fast food joint. Tonight I drove over to Wendy's to grab a bite (don't tell Sadie) and was approached by 2 goth girls. Now I am approached by girls all the time ( don't tell Sadie) and these two asked me to order them some food because the minimum wage earning burger nazis had told them they could not accept their order for "safety reasons". So I ordered their food and drove around to the pay window, the leader of the goth girls walked up and tried to pay, this was refused by said burger nazi. So what happened was, I'm not making this up, goth girl put the money in my hand, I dumped it into burger nazi's hand. Bear in mind that we are all within 2 feet of each other and the absurdity of this has not registered with burger nazi but me and goth leader girl are laughing pretty hard by now. Burger nazi them dumps the change into my hand, I give it to goth leader. Burger nazi hands me goth order which I hand over to goth leader girl, all this time burger nazi does not crack a smile and I perceive a deep resentment coming from her, I think she begins to suspect that this food may not in fact be for me. At this point goth girl thanks me and frowns at burger nazi. I laugh and drive back to work.
How was what transpired any safer than goth girl ordering her own food and walking around to get it? I know I've caused more damage to drive-thru's when I've been in cars. I've thrown beer bottles at taco bells and spit on macdonalds menu signs (I wasn't driving in these cases, rather I was the obnoxious drunk who begs for a ride home then makes the DD stop at an all night fast food place to slow down the inevitable vomiting. If someone is going to hold up a drive-thru, I'm just guessing here, they will probably use a car rather than walking up. Also whatever damages these pedestrians can cause can be caused by a driver who....gets out of their car! Well I think I'm done on this topic. On a separate note I'm planning a poker tournament for sometime in early-mid November (don't tell Sadie) so keep that in mind Tara. Sherman out.