Reductio ad absurdum

lib·er·al \Lib"er*al\, Adj. 1. Favoring political and social reforms tending towards democracy and personal freedoms for the individual; advocating reform or progress in education, religion, etc. 2. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; not bigoted. 3. Open to new ideas for progress; tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

a movie review...

Saw 'The Village' last night with Sadie....we loved it. Now let me warn you, this movie is not for everyone, in fact it's probably not for most people. Sadie says that Joaquin Phoenix is cute (and awesome). I agree. If you like M. Night Scheuermans other movies then you will like this one and the ending kicks ass. Anyway my french toast is ready so that's it for the movie review.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

this is an audio post - click to play

a little blury maxwell.... Posted by Hello

coming blogging!

I tried to do an audio blog this morning but the service is down. bummer. I'm not sure how effective it would be since I'd probably just start sputtering out sentence fragments and cursing Dubya. I think it's meant for people who are living exciting lives, treking in Burma or hunting down terrorists but don't worry I'll think og something to say....maybe I'll play guitar on it! (...Have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir.....) I like how the one comment I've recieved has been about a spelling mistake, thanks to the Hong Kong Jack Hammer for pointing that out. Check this out if you hate the Fox network. Click here.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Go Jared! Nice face Dave! Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

post party analysis...

Well it's been awhile since my last entry, trying to get back on the horse... Had the big party on friday and all things considered it went pretty well. Some people got drunk for free and we sure didn't make any money (as d-po had suggested we would..."what are we going to do with the money we make?") but good times were had by all. The kegs were tapped at 7 and they ran out around 2 so in that time 158 litres of beer were consumed, that's over 22 litres per hour being sipped, chugged and bonged. Like I said it was good times. Next year we'll have this party during stampede, the city is much more open to drunken whooping during the ten days of 'peding. The only complaint we got was from the crazy lady across the street who ran over in her house coat yelling 'this is bullshit', but hey, f&*k her.
Started trying to play the guitar again, hopefully with more luck than last time, with any luck I'll have Bah Bah Black Sheep mastered in a month. Peace out.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Another crack at it...

Did you know most blogs die after only one entry? Of course you didn't know that, I just made it up but that does seem plausible. Michael Moore started a blog on his website and there are two entries, the last one is July 7, that's pretty old. He does have cooler things to right about than me mind you. Driving around NY theatre hoping and sneaking in the back to watch people watch his movie, that's pretty cool. As for me I went to class today, then went to work and am currently waiting for my in-laws to drop off super. (long story....)
Having a party on Friday and it is beginning to worry me. As the "guest" list continues to climb and we contemplate having to buy a possible 3rd keg I'm wondering how much fun I'll have. If I have to run around stopping people from stealing or puking then I won't have much fun, and I like to have fun at parties. So if you are reading this then come on over on Friday night, a few more people won't hurt, then again I'd be lucky if a 'few' people are reading this.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

The Blogger Posted by Hello

Bloggin ain't easy

Believe it or not this is the third time I have tried making my first entry, I keep erasing it by accident. I should probably just wait until I'm less frustrated but I want to get something down tonight. It's to hot to do anything else.
I'm really pissed. I had good shit about a wounded dog me and tyler tried to help, why godfather 2 was better than 1 and how I didn't like swearing in writing because it was difficult to convey appropriate tone. It's all gone forever now. Oh well I'll spew out some stuff tommorow