What the Hell is your fucking name?

I'm not sure how many of you are following the Plame case in the US but there is an alarming trend that is bothering me. The two main people involved in the case are White House deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove and Vice President Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Now wait a god damn minute. What the hell kind of 'name' is that? I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Why anyone would ever mention that there nick name is 'scooter' is beyond all comprehension. If I was a garbage man or a postal worker I would keep that tid bit under wraps, if I somehow attained a high ranking position in the White House I would liquadate anyone who had ever called me that. I'm also not fond of the 'I' before the rest of the name. I assume it's an initial of his first name which he is obviously not that fond of (how it could be worse than scooter is also beyond me) but if you don't like your first name then just go by your middle name. Why do we have to go through the trouble of printing out all your initials and nick names and whatever else you want to throw in there. I'm sure entire forests have been destroyed simply because the NY Times and the Washington Post have mentioned this douche bags name 79 thousand times in the last week and it's added 34 thousand column inches to the paper. Another right-wing lunatic uses a similar name when describing himself G. Gordon Liddy. If he wants to add a nick name, "Felon" would work nicely. Anyway that was some serious ranting but I had to get it off my chest. For WesinCalgary this is W. David "Cuddles" Scheuerman.