lib·er·al \Lib"er*al\, Adj. 1. Favoring political and social reforms tending towards democracy and personal freedoms for the individual; advocating reform or progress in education, religion, etc. 2. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; not bigoted. 3. Open to new ideas for progress; tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
At 8:17 PM, J West said…
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
The continuing crisis in Zimbabwe
Despite having enough rain, Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe is about to fall short of producing enough food to feed its population. Again. And it ain't even close: food production is half what is needed to meet demand. And what is Mugabe's excuse? The weather. The same excuse he uses every year. Apparently, stealing 20 million acres of land from white farmers wasn't such a great idea; it is now fallow.
posted by Paul Tuns at 7:15 PM
At 9:18 PM, WesinCalgary said…
We can all agree that Robert Mugabee is an evil despot. It's strange that Zimbabwe has not been invaded in order to 'spread democracy to the region' or to look for 'weapons of mass destruction'. I guess hundreds of thousands of dying Africans is not tragic enough to warrant action. Fighting global poverty is the ultimate weapon against terrorism, when a school funded by western democracies is shut down due to lack of funding, a madras opens up that does nothing but preach hatred for America, Israel and pluralistic societies in general.
*It is important when flopping monster hands (high card flushes, fullhouses and obviously quads) to slow play as much as required. The obvious goal is to hope one of your opponents hits a miracle gut shut straight draw or makes a big bluff at the pot, otherwise your monster hand will lead to little more than winning the blinds.*
Blaming all Africans for the faults of a despotic leader is as misguided as blaming all Americans for the actions of George W. Bush. (this analogy is not totally fair since Bush was fairly elected once and recieved almost half the vote in 2000, while R.Mugabe is clinging to power by stirring racial hatred caused by colonialism and buying off peasant leaders by siezing the land of white farmers and giving it to local war lords.)
*When faced with a situation when you flop a hand that is probably the best hand (middle trips for example) but when there are obvious draws on board (the board is suited, J-Q-K etc) the best strategy, according to 'Action' Dan Harrington is to bet enough to tilt the pot odds to the point where a call becomes too expensive. The goal with this bet is to win the pot right then and there without allowing someone to draw out on you.*
PS. Who is Paul Tuns?
At 3:45 PM, Anonymous said…
The bigger question is how much did you take on that hand?
At 10:56 AM, WesinCalgary said…
Not much.
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