Reductio ad absurdum

lib·er·al \Lib"er*al\, Adj. 1. Favoring political and social reforms tending towards democracy and personal freedoms for the individual; advocating reform or progress in education, religion, etc. 2. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; not bigoted. 3. Open to new ideas for progress; tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Online Poker is so rigged!

This guy has an awesome post! He finally cracked the global conspiracy!


  • At 5:45 PM, Blogger J West said…

    Wes in Calgary,

    You are young idealistic and you think that altruism can save the sewer called Africa.

    Perhaps if you live long enough and learn anything that is for real, you will have learned something about the world and human nature.

    FYI no one owes anyone or any country love. Everything is where it is because of choices that were made.

    That is to say .. we are all responsible for where we are and it is always up to each to make the necessary choices and pay the price for change. .. that includes the sewer called Africa.

    One more thing .. the West Wing is only a TV show and that is about as close the Democratic party in the US is going to get to the White house ever again.

    Remember they .. in the blue states, abort their children or settle for the 1.2 designer prodigy .. where those in the Red states are having and raising their kids.

    The demographics dictate that there are no longer enough Lefties in the US to win a federal election.

    You may choose to deny I said here, but remember it .. it will become clear to you later on .. unless you choose to remain in denial.

    Don't be too depressed .. there is always TV.

  • At 11:58 PM, Blogger J West said…

    About thirty years ago I attended a lecture by David Suzuki. Do you know that name dude?
    I recall him stating that there is no such thing as a wise twenty year old. These are young people parroting their professors or perhaps their parents. But unless you have put in the time and paid attention, you don't know much about anything. Perhaps you want to challenge the good doctor on what is wisdom.

    Meanwhile, I don't care if a woman aborts her acorn or not. That's her business, but the demographic fact remains that a people who don't replace themselves become extinct. Muslims have about six kids each Canadians have about 1.2 .. guess who gets to own Canada in about fifty years.

    Re Africa .. You don't hear much about South Africa anymore since the communist ANC took it over with the help of the UN and people just like you. That once proud country use to be clean, prosperous and safe. Along with Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) those two countries fed the rest of Africa. Now that Robert Mugabe has thrown out all the white Europeans, confiscated their farms and gave them to black policemen and quasi soldiers who supported him, there is no more food. He bulldozed the ghettos to send the poor people in his country into the Jungle to live off the land because they were an embarrassment to his despotic government.

    Nearly all the South African Doctors, businessmen and professionals have moved to Canada, the US, Australia and New Zealand because it's not safe to live there anymore. The streets of Johannasberg are run by roving bands of black youths .. sort of like Toronto is becoming. Aids is spreading like wildfire and there is little medical care.

    The central African countries are still filled with primitive jungle societies like that of the Hutu an Tutsis who are always ready to machete each other into oblivion. The norther third of Africa is being systematically decimated and dessertified my the Muslim hoards who have no mercy on and much contempt for all Africans who are not Muslims. There wide-spread genocide going on there ...

    The brutal dictators that head up all the countries on that continent are beyond redemption. They are played off continually but the corrupt members of the UN and any other organization who comes in to trade arms for natural resources. The people in African societies are completely ignorant and helpless and there NOTHING that we can do about it. Consider the criticism for going into Iraq.

    All the Rock stars in the world don't have the power to change anything about Africa. Africa with the help of moral relativist and other haters of the West have allowed anything that was good about Africa be driven out and now you have a continent being run by and for monkeys.

    Africa flushed itself long ago. You are a bleeder parroting leftist gibberish. You are not wise .. you are either uninformed or misinformed.

    I am not bitter. I simply understand how the world is and I accept on it's own terms. I am a realist. I believe in helping what can be helped and not wasting time flogging dead horses.

    You are young and idealistic and that is normal. You admire your professors and parrot them like a good student in post secondary government school. You may grow out of this and develop an ability for critical thinking or you may not. I suppose it depends on how soft your life remains and how guilty you feel about that.

    Call me in twenty years and we can rehash this topic.

  • At 3:48 PM, Blogger WesinCalgary said…

    Alright, we'll have to agree to disagree mr mcgoo, you can calm down with all the wisedom you've accumulated, you're not fucking yoda.


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