Some quick election comments...
Prime Minister Stephen Harper...hmmmmm. I'm still mulling that over. For a self described liberal, this was not what I wanted in an election but as I have pondered what actually happened, perhaps things worked out as they should.
While I think Paul Martin was a decent PM he was tainted by the Sponsorship scandal and he would never be able to live that down. A new leader was neccessary and some distance has to be placed between the sponsorship era Liberals and those who are going to come after. But let's look at what really happened.
The Liberals were forced into an election when the NDP withdrew support on a confidence motion and the government fell. Put simply the Liberals ran a terrible campaign making mistake after mistake. The Tory's were successful at putting forward a policy based campaign that was fairly non-controversial and banal, but more importantly they were able to keep the far right of their party out of the papers. (mostly, somehow this escaped the notice of the MSM, this guy was elected in Ajax-Pickering) So in short, everything that the Liberals could do to fuck this up they did, the Conseratives were error free for the most part.
120 seats? That's it? There was a perfect storm of opportunity for the Conservatives, they did everything they possibly could and that was all they could manage? A revitalized Liberal party lead by a respected and competent leader who is free of the stink of corruption will wipe the floor with Stephen Harper's turtle neck in 2 years time. Stephen Harper's best chance will be to govern from the center and try not to rock the boat, but is that what the Conservative base wants?
PS I thought this picture was kind of strange, what father shakes their kids hands? Try a hug buddy!
PPS. Spell check isn't working on blogger, my apologies if there are an seplling errors.
While I think Paul Martin was a decent PM he was tainted by the Sponsorship scandal and he would never be able to live that down. A new leader was neccessary and some distance has to be placed between the sponsorship era Liberals and those who are going to come after. But let's look at what really happened.
The Liberals were forced into an election when the NDP withdrew support on a confidence motion and the government fell. Put simply the Liberals ran a terrible campaign making mistake after mistake. The Tory's were successful at putting forward a policy based campaign that was fairly non-controversial and banal, but more importantly they were able to keep the far right of their party out of the papers. (mostly, somehow this escaped the notice of the MSM, this guy was elected in Ajax-Pickering) So in short, everything that the Liberals could do to fuck this up they did, the Conseratives were error free for the most part.
120 seats? That's it? There was a perfect storm of opportunity for the Conservatives, they did everything they possibly could and that was all they could manage? A revitalized Liberal party lead by a respected and competent leader who is free of the stink of corruption will wipe the floor with Stephen Harper's turtle neck in 2 years time. Stephen Harper's best chance will be to govern from the center and try not to rock the boat, but is that what the Conservative base wants?
PS I thought this picture was kind of strange, what father shakes their kids hands? Try a hug buddy!
PPS. Spell check isn't working on blogger, my apologies if there are an seplling errors.

At 7:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
The liberals should send Mckenna and Axworthy and Copps etc, and all other protectionist old style out to pasture. Move on.
Isn't this the same Mckenna that spoke at St. FX and said that "canada has the worst medicare in world"? Hope the media and most importantly the public remember this when he trys to campaign saying " I am here to defend the best medicare system in the world, or at least make it better". That would be "motherhood".
Please spare us Frank Mckenna and others of his ilk.
At 7:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hmmm. Hug your kids in front of their classmates.
Dad don't hug me.
Oh, WESSSSS. Come over here and give dad a hug before you go over and hang out with your friends before class.
Think about it.
At 7:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good definition.
Can't see the definition for all the smoke and mirrors of the politics.
They should call themselves, "the party who wants to do good" and have the voters give someone else the opportunity to "do some good" for a change.
Maybe we will get better value for our money with the new guys. Nice that Paul Martin inherited GST and NAFTA to bring the econony on stream and make him and his government look good. Stop being toadies to Ontario for the votes.
At 10:28 PM,
WesinCalgary said…
Hey Anonymous and by that I mean coward, Leave an email or a blogger ID or something. There is a difference between 'liberal' and 'Liberal party of Canada'.
At 8:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have an idea. Why don't we send our tax monies to Ottawa so the LIBERAL PARTY can play poker with it and the winners in their party get to keep our tax money just for the fun of it, and the rest of Canada get to keep sending more money for more LIBERAl games, and we get to keep sending the LIBERAL PARTY our tax money and get none back and get crapped on for not voting LIBERAL and we get to keep the LIBERAL PARTY to rule our country until the end of time. HEAVEN ON EARTH. Those that fail to learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. Born a LIBERAL gonna die a LIBERAL. GAG.
At 9:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
History Lesson.
P.E.T. the philosopher who would be Prime Minister. His cronies.
Then N.E.P. Can you say ECONOMIC DISASTER.
Then nation wide Wage and Price Controls. Can you say CASTROPHY.
Then 39 cents of every tax dollar sent to Ottawa just to service the national debt from SUCESSIVE DEFICIT BUDGETS.
Ask your older coworkers about having their wages frozen.
Then 18 percent interest rates on mortgages. Can you say I LOST MY HOUSE.
If you are lucky and governments can run "surpluses" and use it to pay down the national debt, instead of lining the pockets of their cronies, then about the time that your grandchildren enter junior high school we might have the federal debt paid down. Then we can use the 37 cents of every tax dollar wasted, to pay for all the glorious social programs that we want..
Thus endeth the lesson.
At 9:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
The lesson is over.
Never to return to this site.
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