'Anonymous' Speaks!
Anonymous said...
History Lesson.
P.E.T. the philosopher who would be Prime Minister. His cronies.
Then N.E.P. Can you say ECONOMIC DISASTER.
Then nation wide Wage and Price Controls. Can you say CASTROPHY.
Then 39 cents of every tax dollar sent to Ottawa just to service the national debt from SUCESSIVE DEFICIT BUDGETS.
Ask your older coworkers about having their wages frozen.
Then 18 percent interest rates on mortgages. Can you say I LOST MY HOUSE.
If you are lucky and governments can run "surpluses" and use it to pay down the national debt, instead of lining the pockets of their cronies, then about the time that your grandchildren enter junior high school we might have the federal debt paid down. Then we can use the 37 cents of every tax dollar wasted, to pay for all the glorious social programs that we want..
Thus endeth the lesson.
9:16 AM
Well shut my mouth! I have been served a heaping plate of humble pie by "Anonymous". His clarity of speech and passion of prose have left me questioning everything I hold dear. That "Anonymous" is able to critique everything I believe while apparently writing in some form of verse is astounding. "P.E.T. the philosopher who would be Prime Minister. His cronies." His cronies indeed.
" Can you say DEFICIT BUDGETS ala John Turner. Say SUCESSIVE DEFICIT BUDGETS." Anonymous does not let facts or history get in the way of his argument, a trait I really admire. John Turner was
PM for 79 days. How he was able to run 'SUCESSIVE DEFICIT BUDGETS' is hard to imagine since a budget is only passed once a year. But come on, facts shmacts.
"Anonymous" also rallies against wage and price controls. "Then nation wide Wage and Price Controls. Can you say CASTROPHY." I can say CASTROPHY, although I'm not sure what it means. (This was a failed attempt to combat rampant inflation, it was also used in the US, put into place by Republican Richard Nixon)
"Anonymous" does lose some points for complaining like a little sissy liberal boy. "Then 18 percent interest rates on mortgages. Can you say I LOST MY HOUSE." You lost your house? Boo fucking hoo buddy, pull yourself up by your jack boot straps! Being a rugged individual you shouldn't have to complain about how the market weeds out individuals who are not able to prosper in society. It's all about trickle down buddy! Ever heard of supply side? Don't expect society to bail you out because you bought a house you couldn't afford and the banks came and took it away and now you live in your mom's basement and play Magic all day with the local Junior High kids.
Anyway, thanks for the comments. I know you said you wouldn't be back but I doubt that so feel free to keep blabbering away.
History Lesson.
P.E.T. the philosopher who would be Prime Minister. His cronies.
Then N.E.P. Can you say ECONOMIC DISASTER.
Then nation wide Wage and Price Controls. Can you say CASTROPHY.
Then 39 cents of every tax dollar sent to Ottawa just to service the national debt from SUCESSIVE DEFICIT BUDGETS.
Ask your older coworkers about having their wages frozen.
Then 18 percent interest rates on mortgages. Can you say I LOST MY HOUSE.
If you are lucky and governments can run "surpluses" and use it to pay down the national debt, instead of lining the pockets of their cronies, then about the time that your grandchildren enter junior high school we might have the federal debt paid down. Then we can use the 37 cents of every tax dollar wasted, to pay for all the glorious social programs that we want..
Thus endeth the lesson.
9:16 AM
Well shut my mouth! I have been served a heaping plate of humble pie by "Anonymous". His clarity of speech and passion of prose have left me questioning everything I hold dear. That "Anonymous" is able to critique everything I believe while apparently writing in some form of verse is astounding. "P.E.T. the philosopher who would be Prime Minister. His cronies." His cronies indeed.
" Can you say DEFICIT BUDGETS ala John Turner. Say SUCESSIVE DEFICIT BUDGETS." Anonymous does not let facts or history get in the way of his argument, a trait I really admire. John Turner was
PM for 79 days. How he was able to run 'SUCESSIVE DEFICIT BUDGETS' is hard to imagine since a budget is only passed once a year. But come on, facts shmacts.
"Anonymous" also rallies against wage and price controls. "Then nation wide Wage and Price Controls. Can you say CASTROPHY." I can say CASTROPHY, although I'm not sure what it means. (This was a failed attempt to combat rampant inflation, it was also used in the US, put into place by Republican Richard Nixon)
"Anonymous" does lose some points for complaining like a little sissy liberal boy. "Then 18 percent interest rates on mortgages. Can you say I LOST MY HOUSE." You lost your house? Boo fucking hoo buddy, pull yourself up by your jack boot straps! Being a rugged individual you shouldn't have to complain about how the market weeds out individuals who are not able to prosper in society. It's all about trickle down buddy! Ever heard of supply side? Don't expect society to bail you out because you bought a house you couldn't afford and the banks came and took it away and now you live in your mom's basement and play Magic all day with the local Junior High kids.
Anyway, thanks for the comments. I know you said you wouldn't be back but I doubt that so feel free to keep blabbering away.
At 8:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ouch! Hey Anonymous, how does the back of Wes' hand taste?
At 8:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Said I wouldn't return to this site, and may not after this.
I didn't lose my house but many did. Many paid dearly for having their mortgages come up for renewal at what proved to be a bad time. Payments doubled in one month.
John Turner ran the first and successive deficit budgets as Finance minister under P.E.T. in the early 70's.
It wasn't just old employees who had their wages frozen,it was every employee in Canada not just Posties, every employee. Not just government employees or employees of Crown Corporations. Every employee in Canada. If a group of employees for instance, the retail clerks working for Calgary Coop, were able to negotiate a raise with their employer, well the Commission for Wage and Price Controls would step in and roll back the settlement if it exceeded the federal guideline.
The wage ceiling was 6 percent.
Inflation in those years was 8-9-10 percent per year.
Just more history.
But no defamation of character.
This is not my quote and it may not be exactly as originally spoken, but here goes.
Knowledge will set you free, and knowing history is part of that greater knowledge.
With it we can have informed opinions, rather than uninformed ones.
Facts Schmacks? NO just history.
At 9:43 PM,
WesinCalgary said…
I agree that knowing history is an important part of forming opinion. Yes the Liberals have run budget deficits, so have the Conservatives and the Republicans and the democrats, and deficits are not necessarily a bad thing. The Liberals have run budget surpluses for almost a decade now and we have the best economy in the G-8. I know how price and wage controls work, or rather how they don't work but tell that to the widow on a pension who sees her dwindling pension cheque buy less and less. Freezing prices probably sounded alright to her. Saying that Turner ran deficits is a rather strange way of dishing out blame. I've never heard anyone say that Ralph Goodale ran back to back budget surpluses, Paul Martin did. The Finance portfolio does not set government policy rather it distributes monies to various departments and helps set tax policy, but the real decisions are made in the PMO (especially when referring to the 'Philosopher King P.E.T.' and Chrétien and Martin.)
I agree ad homonym attacks are rather childish but after reading the shit the Princess Mcgoo writes I thought you would be used to it.
PS You're still posting as Anonymous, you know name my name, occupation, hobbies, marital status and place of residence.
"The road to truth is long, and lined the entire way with annoying bastards"
Alexander Jablokov "The Place of No Shadows"
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