The First Annual De Winton Inviational Poker tournament
...of the F.A.D.W.I.P.T. as it is known, was held on Saturday night. The results were disappointing for me but on the whole it was a lot of fun. I was pretty pissed when I was knocked out, having got all my money in with the best hand only to have Anne trip out on the river. Anyway such is life. Curt ended up winning, he took home about 200 bucks, not to shaby. My mom placed in 3rd place, beating out the poker masters of me, Mike Sharp and Brad. I'm beginning to think that she has been hustling us all along. She seems unable to grasp the check / raise / bet concept but then is able to slow play pocket cowboys and win huge pots off good players. I think the whole thing is an act. Next week is Mike's stag and I will be posting pics of that next Sunday so watch for it. Planned activities include poker on Friday (big surprise) Paintball on Saturday afternoon, going to Banff Saturday evening and puking early Sunday morning. Should be a hoot. There are more rumors about Eric Lindros signing with Calgary, still seems unlikely but you never know.
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