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Dear Local Tough Guy,
With all of this heat and high UV sun going on, I am confused as to what kind of facial treatment to use. I have been using L’Oreal products because they claim to have a UV protection, yet they don’t give a rating for it. Other products such as Shisedo give a UV rating of 15, but I heard that it provides no more than six. Then there’s my old standby Oil of Olay, which has a UV of 5. In the battle against wrinkles should I really trust any of them, or just continue to wear my wide brimmed sunhat?
Sun baked in Southern Alberta
Dear Sunburnt,
Despite what Hollywood or drunken friends will tell you, punching some bastard who has it coming, especially in the head, is a sure way to have a fist that resembles viscous jelly after having broken all of your metacarpals. Nothing could be more stupid. Evolution has provided the human head with an unbelievable capacity to withstand repeated blows, even with blunt instruments. Trust me, after the Ice Cream kid screwed me for 25 cents and I went at him with the tire iron, he made good his escape. My suggestion? Sweep the legs, and then go for the ribs. In any extreme fighting match, that’s all those guys do, and some of them Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fuckers are five foot nothing for Chrissakes.
For Wesincalgary I'm Local Tough Guy
If you have any questions for Local Tough Guy, please email them to me and I will pass them on.
Dear Local Tough Guy,
With all of this heat and high UV sun going on, I am confused as to what kind of facial treatment to use. I have been using L’Oreal products because they claim to have a UV protection, yet they don’t give a rating for it. Other products such as Shisedo give a UV rating of 15, but I heard that it provides no more than six. Then there’s my old standby Oil of Olay, which has a UV of 5. In the battle against wrinkles should I really trust any of them, or just continue to wear my wide brimmed sunhat?
Sun baked in Southern Alberta
Dear Sunburnt,
Despite what Hollywood or drunken friends will tell you, punching some bastard who has it coming, especially in the head, is a sure way to have a fist that resembles viscous jelly after having broken all of your metacarpals. Nothing could be more stupid. Evolution has provided the human head with an unbelievable capacity to withstand repeated blows, even with blunt instruments. Trust me, after the Ice Cream kid screwed me for 25 cents and I went at him with the tire iron, he made good his escape. My suggestion? Sweep the legs, and then go for the ribs. In any extreme fighting match, that’s all those guys do, and some of them Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fuckers are five foot nothing for Chrissakes.
For Wesincalgary I'm Local Tough Guy
If you have any questions for Local Tough Guy, please email them to me and I will pass them on.
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