Reductio ad absurdum

lib·er·al \Lib"er*al\, Adj. 1. Favoring political and social reforms tending towards democracy and personal freedoms for the individual; advocating reform or progress in education, religion, etc. 2. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; not bigoted. 3. Open to new ideas for progress; tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sunday Poker...

Gambling on the lord's day, is there anything sweeter? Played the 20 dollar tournement at Cash today, made it about half way through. There were a couple of hands that I ddin't play well, made a big bet with 66 but it wasn't big enough got too many callers, flop came K A 7, which made my 6's as useless as (insert tit refrence here, nuns, boars, bulls etc). Later on I pushed all in with A J and was rivered by a guy with A 7, oh well, what are you going to do. Curt made the final table and finished 8th. Typical Dutchman! Next week we're playing out in De Winton, should be fun as half the people don't know the nut flush draw from drawing dead.


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