Strange spam
I've started recieving prescription drug spam again, nothing new really, but this time there are blocks of text at the bottom of the email. Does anyone recognize any of this jibberish? It almost seems like lyrics from some bad gangsta rap song. I cut and pasted the entire email.
PS Are these good prices? What is the going rate for black market V? Anyone know? Steve? Dwight? My drugs usually come with a government seal and sometimes if I'm lucky a sampler bottle of "Snake Bite Spicey Whiskey"
VaLeLlUM (30)$120
Ombien (30) $135
ViAGRA (30)$124
Znax (30)$170
ALlS (30)$76
ZUma (30)$166
LEvitra (30) - $86
Then what? Something you may not want to do, but you have to. ... Take the forty-seven from the colonels body and force the crowd, shoot it back into the street. Rapid fire into the ground in front of them-or above them-do whatever you have to do, even if it means wounding a few. Whatever the cost, it must be done. I have to find him, isolate him, above all, cut him off from everyone else trying to get out. Youre a goddamned maniac, broke in Benjamin, the veins pronounced in his forehead. I could kill a few-more than a few! Youre crazy! At this moment Im the most rational man youve ever met, interrupted Jason harshly, rapidly, as the panicked residents of Novgorod kept rushing by. Theres not a sane general in the Soviet army-the same army that retook Stalingrad-who wouldnt agree with me.
PS Are these good prices? What is the going rate for black market V? Anyone know? Steve? Dwight? My drugs usually come with a government seal and sometimes if I'm lucky a sampler bottle of "Snake Bite Spicey Whiskey"
VaLeLlUM (30)$120
Ombien (30) $135
ViAGRA (30)$124
Znax (30)$170
ALlS (30)$76
ZUma (30)$166
LEvitra (30) - $86
Then what? Something you may not want to do, but you have to. ... Take the forty-seven from the colonels body and force the crowd, shoot it back into the street. Rapid fire into the ground in front of them-or above them-do whatever you have to do, even if it means wounding a few. Whatever the cost, it must be done. I have to find him, isolate him, above all, cut him off from everyone else trying to get out. Youre a goddamned maniac, broke in Benjamin, the veins pronounced in his forehead. I could kill a few-more than a few! Youre crazy! At this moment Im the most rational man youve ever met, interrupted Jason harshly, rapidly, as the panicked residents of Novgorod kept rushing by. Theres not a sane general in the Soviet army-the same army that retook Stalingrad-who wouldnt agree with me.
At 7:03 AM,
Reverend Joyleaf said…
The "bad gangsta rap" isn't gangsta rap at all. It's actually from chapter 41 of The Bourne Ultimatum by Robert Ludlum. Don't believe me? Go to this website and then hit Ctrl F. This should bring up a search box. Enter the word Stalingrad then press the Enter key twice. You should now find yourself in the middle of the so called gangsta rap. If you're unable to do the search for whatever reason you can just scroll down to chapter 41 and read until you find the gangsta rap.
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