B.Sherm's take on the subject

Ok first things first, the shape radio is in is amazing when compared to TV. I don't have cable, cause I'm not P. Diddy so I'm stuck with 4 channels I can listen to, and 3 that I can actually see. The channel that works best is CBC, which is nice during the hockey season but every other time it blows. CBC through out the day shows a number of shows like the Red Green show, and This hour has 22 minutes all from the mid to late 90's, I'm so sick of Jean Chretien jokes that I'm almost tempted to stop watching TV and start reading, and that's sad. The evening is even worse, with Just for Laughs Gags, which is so welfare that it is filmed without sound. Then they show us BBC news how the hell is that Canadian? And I can't stand how they only show those Simpsons from the first 2 seasons. But the absolute worst thing CBC does is the channel goes off air at midnight which is just a low blow, your taking one third of my viewing options away and for that I say shame on you. Add in the odd 80's French movie and I'm ready to hang myself in the bathroom. Oh yeah and for anyone who says don't be such a cheap ass get cable, you could say the same thing about radio, cause you could just pay and get satellite radio, but I think its smarter to get things for free over paying for them, that's why I'm posting this with a borrowed internet signal. And for the record I'm not cheap, I waste money on other things. Well that's it for B.SHERM the little bro of the big blogger WES
Editor's notes - CBC is currently experiencing a labour disruption, hence the BBC news and lack of announcers at CFL games.
Just for Laughs Gags does have sound, they just don't have microphones that capture any speech. They do have about 6 sound effects that come standard on the Fisher Price "Baby's synthesizeroard and Synthsizer". I think I would rather hear those wooshing noises when they lift some dudes rug off his dome than to hear him curse in french.
As for 80's French movies, there is sometimes brief nudity buried somewhere in the middle butsittinghardly worth siting through the rest of the snooze fest.
Oh yeah, not to quibble but I'm pretty sure it's just Diddy now. He dropped the P. Why he thinks anyone cares is beyond me, and why I know that is also beyond me.
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