Reductio ad absurdum

lib·er·al \Lib"er*al\, Adj. 1. Favoring political and social reforms tending towards democracy and personal freedoms for the individual; advocating reform or progress in education, religion, etc. 2. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; not bigoted. 3. Open to new ideas for progress; tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Episode One...

There is a famine in the village of Alba and the boy Timmin as left seeking work. Some evil blacksmith has forced him into a kind of quasi slavery, not allowing proper coffee breaks, access to a shop stewart etc. Hercules is cruising through town delvering food and such when he hears of young Timmin's plight. Finding the non-union blacksmith shop he dispenses with the evil blacksmith and they begin the long march home. Of course the blacksmith is pissed because good help is hard to find, he tricks Hercules into some river that has water so cold it disables everyone. So Herc is stuck in this river and the evil blacksmith absconds with Timmins, everything seems screwed...but alas! Hercules gets Newton to push a bolder off a cliff, Hercules catchs said boulder and throws it upstream blocking the flow of the river. The water recedes and Hercules is free to take poor Timins back home to Alba.
Wow, it was quite an episode, can't wait to watch more.


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