Food at the G.O.S.E.
Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth, yeah I'm sure you've heard that one before. While some people go to the Stampede for the rides, some people go for the music, some go to hook up a lot of people go to the Stampede for the food. This strikes me as rather odd, now I will admit a penchant for 'those little donuts' the rest of the food would be shunned by society in any setting outside of the grounds. But for some reason people are willing to pay a 12 dollar admission fee to enter what is essentially a huge parking lot and pay exorbitant sums to eat this grub. Go figure! While I was at the Stampede this year I noticed that while there was various meat products on sticks (well meat is being generous, 'protein mass' on a stick might describe a corn dog more adequately) there was candy on a stick, frozen liquids on sticks and I think I saw stick on a stick what I noticed was missing was 'vegetable preserved in garlic saturated liquid brine' on a stick. But then I walked out of the casino and alas.....

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