What up fools, going to try my hand at blogging again, maybe this time it will stick.I bought a new digital camera this week, well actually it's my first digital camera since the last one I had was actually a video camera that took shitty stills. This one should be of much higher quality. My hope is to take interesting photos and make humorous and witty remarks about the interesting photos, we'll see how that works out. Me and B.Ron went to see Downfall tonight. Interesting movie. There were a few older Germans in the crowd and I would have been interested to hear their remarks. As a Canadian it is difficult to understand the affect (is it effect of affect? I can never remember which one goes where?) that something like the and WW2 and the Holocaust would have on the pysche of a nation? How could you ever be proud of your country? At the end of the movie they showed a 'where are they now?' clip and that was pretty surprising. All these high ranking Nazis did like 10 years in the goulag and then ended up living in sunny bavaria and dying in their beds as late as 2002! Strange, I always pictured prominent Nazis being hunted down by the Masad and spending the rest of thier lives in hiding. Since I haven't taken any interesting pictures yet I'll post an uninteresting one instead.