Wal-Mart....Go Back to Russia!
I ran across this article the other day and forgot to post it. Fairly typical behavior...for a fascist regime! Then again Wal-Mart is famous for it's aversion to freedom of speech. There have been numerous artists that Wal-Mart has refused to carry, like her, who was banned from Wal-Mart because one of her songs mentioned Wal-Mart and it's sale of handguns. Crow was being "unfair and irresponsible", yeah singing is irresponsible, selling hand guns is cool. (Wal-Mart has since discontinued sale of hand-guns, hat tip Michael Moore
Wal-Mart also selects certain books to ban, Jon Stewart's America: The Book was also rejected. Robert Greenwald, creator of Wal-Mart: The High Price of Low Cost had a previous movie rejected by Wal-Mart for purely ideological reasons.
If a book or movie is leaning the other way ie. it is very supportive of evangelical Christianity or 'conservative' values then Wal-Mart has no problem buying boatloads of it. However it shocked even die hard Wal-Mart critics to find that Wal-Mart was selling "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" on it's website. This 'book' was supposedly written by a Russian government official during the pogrom to whip up an anti Jewish frenzy and it is roundly rejected as a fraud. It purports to be the minutes of a secret meeting of Jewish leaders who plot to take over the world.
This is the cover from a UK version, not very racist or anti-Semitic at all (insert smiley icon rolling his eyes here). The best part is Wal-marts comment regarding the book "If The Protocols are genuine (which can never be proven conclusively), it might cause some of us to keep a wary eye on world affairs." (quote found here) Uh yeah because (insert derogatory term for Jews here) might try and take over the world and stuff. Unreal. We discussedd this book in my last Poli Sci class, when I mentioned this to my prof he kind of dismissed it as a rumour. I emailed him like 5 sources when I got home, he was pretty shocked
Wal-Mart does carry the Left Behind series, a group of films and novels about the rapture, a review of which can be found here. Ever heard of anyone else carrying these books or movies? Can you say 'conservative agenda'? I've rambled on long enough, I think everyone gets my drift.
* That's 14 links, a new record!
Wal-Mart also selects certain books to ban, Jon Stewart's America: The Book was also rejected. Robert Greenwald, creator of Wal-Mart: The High Price of Low Cost had a previous movie rejected by Wal-Mart for purely ideological reasons.
If a book or movie is leaning the other way ie. it is very supportive of evangelical Christianity or 'conservative' values then Wal-Mart has no problem buying boatloads of it. However it shocked even die hard Wal-Mart critics to find that Wal-Mart was selling "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" on it's website. This 'book' was supposedly written by a Russian government official during the pogrom to whip up an anti Jewish frenzy and it is roundly rejected as a fraud. It purports to be the minutes of a secret meeting of Jewish leaders who plot to take over the world.

This is the cover from a UK version, not very racist or anti-Semitic at all (insert smiley icon rolling his eyes here). The best part is Wal-marts comment regarding the book "If The Protocols are genuine (which can never be proven conclusively), it might cause some of us to keep a wary eye on world affairs." (quote found here) Uh yeah because (insert derogatory term for Jews here) might try and take over the world and stuff. Unreal. We discussedd this book in my last Poli Sci class, when I mentioned this to my prof he kind of dismissed it as a rumour. I emailed him like 5 sources when I got home, he was pretty shocked
Wal-Mart does carry the Left Behind series, a group of films and novels about the rapture, a review of which can be found here. Ever heard of anyone else carrying these books or movies? Can you say 'conservative agenda'? I've rambled on long enough, I think everyone gets my drift.
* That's 14 links, a new record!
At 6:37 AM,
Reverend Joyleaf said…
Hey Wes you mentioned, in conversation, being at a store the other day. What store was it again?
On another note, I'm pretty sure the Left Behind books are available at Costco as well.
Christians are crazy.
"Lazy Sunday"
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