One of those hat guys....
I just noticed that in my 'about me' picture I'm wearing a hat. It's not a baseball cap, I'm not really sure what kind of hat it is but I'm wearing it. Now let me say that it isn't my hat, if memory serves me it is Chris Abrhamowitz's hat. I was very drunk that night otherwise I wouldn't be wearing that hat. That's not a slam against Chris, he can pull it off, and as you can see I really can't. There's a lot of looks I can't pull off, my brother can wear capri pants and a tight pink shirt and somehow he makes it work. Anyway I'm looking for a new 'hatless' picture of me to use as my 'about me' picture, if any readers have any digital pics of me that they think showcases the man, the myth and the legend that is WesinCalgary please email them to me (scheuer1 at and I'll post them. We'll have some sort of selection process and which ever one you guys pick will end up as the definitive picture of me. If no one emails me a picture then we will never speak of this again.
At 5:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think we can all agree that no guy can pull off capris and a pink t-shirt, let alone a tight pink t-shirt. Well maybe Elton John or George Michael but the list of guys is pretty short. Brad....go buy new clothes!
At 6:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wes, check your e-mail (@telus), I've sent you some pics that I really feel capture "the man, the myth and the legend that is WesinCalgary"
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