Reductio ad absurdum

lib·er·al \Lib"er*al\, Adj. 1. Favoring political and social reforms tending towards democracy and personal freedoms for the individual; advocating reform or progress in education, religion, etc. 2. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; not bigoted. 3. Open to new ideas for progress; tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Not much blogging lately...

It's been awhile since I spilled my guts and this seldom read little corner of the information super rural route. Tomorrow is our ball hockey (otherwise known as floor hockey, however I've never heard of it called 'puck hockey') debut, I expect a lot of sucking; wind sucking, goalie sucking and me sucking, but hey we'll get better. The never ending bathroom renovation at 424 are almost to the point where you could say we are close to being near the end, but not quite. My cousin is getting married this weekend and I have been given the honour of toasting the groom. Looking forward to a little payback for all the big head jokes that peppered my wedding reception. I'll let you know how it went.


  • At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    stop saying "sucking"
    and why do you always have to post anonymously? this is just a big waste of time

  • At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What are you talking sucking!!! As it turns out we get the big win and we have a bench clearing brawl to finish off the this point ball hockey doesn't get much better than this!



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